About Me

Philip Terrence Jeff Eli Colin = Junior Astronomers

Monday, November 30, 2009

End of 09!

This year has been our first full year as a band. I've learned so much from the members of my band and the people we've met this year. It's scary thinking now that some of my good friends I might have never met without this band. Another reason this project is so dear to me. I can't go a day without thinking of you all and all the places that I've seen. People that spent their hard earned money to see us do what we love. We have three more shows this year.
Dec 3rd Boone @ Legends
Dec 4th Charlotte @ Tremomt Music Hall

Both of those shows are with our good friends Harvard (www.myspace.com/harvard) for their CD release. They worked their asses off so please come and hang with us all.

Dec 18th Charlotte @ Tremont Music Hall
This will be the first show The Lo and Beholds have played in a while. If you've never seen them make sure you make it out.

I've lived in this city my entire life but since I was 16 I wanted to be apart of this music scene. For all the people that have opened their arms to us this year and helped out a young band thank you. Makes me feel young again. Lets make 2010 even bigger then this 2009!

I love you all,
Terrence/Junior Astronomers

1 comment:

  1. stumbled upon you guys during my search for some new music and struck gold. incredible stuff.

